Memorial Legacy Consultant

Starlene Joyner Burns

DC Memorial Legacy Consultant

DC Memorial Legacy ConsultantI’m Starlene, your Memorial Legacy Consultant. I began this service after I started crafting my own story.
It was an assignment I undertook as a student, but doing it now carries even deeper meaning. Since this became my mission, I wanted to share it with others.
A guidebook can ease the path for those left behind, ensuring your legacy is authentically crafted.
Planning your farewell gives you a voice in how your life story is told. It’s your chance to shape the narrative, highlighting what you stood for, who you were, and your wishes for the afterlife.
Leaving your legacy to others can mean your story may not be fully told. Will they capture your true essence, or will it become their interpretation?
I believe in preplanning—making decisions on what truly matters. Once we’re gone, the impact we leave behind is what remains, both seen and unseen.  I bring a unique perspective to my work. 
To learn more about me, click the link.
Why Choose Us

Preserving Legacies with Care & Crafting Memories with Heart