A bride holding a bouquet of white roses during a wedding ceremony featuring African American wedding rituals, led by Maryland officiant Starlene


Africian American

Wedding Rituals

Line divider symbolizing African American traditions in the Jumping the Broom ceremony.

Jumping the Broom

Jumping the broom symbolizes the sweeping away of past challenges and the start of a new life together. This African American tradition, rooted in ancestral practices, represents unity and the couple’s commitment to their shared journey.

Tasting the 4 Elements

I love Tasting the 4 Elements ritual. This ritual involves tasting sour, bitter, spicy, and sweet elements, symbolizing the varied experiences of marriage. Each taste reflects the challenges and joys of life, concluding with sweetness to represent the ultimate reward of love and perseverance.

Pouring Libation

Pouring the libation is an ancestral practice to honor those who came before us. During the ceremony, water or wine is poured onto the ground as a gesture of gratitude and connection to the couple’s roots, invoking blessings from the ancestors for their union.